NTU-DH Roundtable

I was invited to speak at “A Roundtable on The History of US-Southeast Asian Relations,” organized by the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Diplomatic History, Official Journal of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR). I gave a talk “Reconceptualising the Cold War: On-the-ground experiences in Asia” which summarized my ongoing project.


For more details, see: https://soh.ntu.edu.sg/Research/News%20and%20Events/Documents/Flyer%20_10%20July_2.pdf


For the summary of the event, see Jewel Koh’s report published in Constellations (Issue 4): https://www.constellations.sg/2019/11/18/a-roundtable-on-the-history-of-us-southeast-asian-relations/

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