Mainichi Shuppan Bunka Prize
The 75th Mainichi Shuppan Bunka Sho

I’m thrilled to share that I was awarded the 75th Mainichi Shuppan Bunka Sho [The Mainichi Publication Culture Prize](Humanities and Social Sciences Prize) for my book Hitobitono nakano Reisen sekai: sozoga genjitsuto naru toki [The Cold War World among Ordinary People: When Imagination Became Reality] (Tokyo: Iwanami, 2021).
The Mainichi Shuppan Bunka Sho is the prize that celebrates each year the best book published in the field of art and literature, humanities and social sciences, and science. It was founded in 1947. The past recipients include Oguma Eiji, Tachibana Takashi, Kamata Satoshi, Donald Keene, and Kawakami Hajime. For the details of this prize, see here. The news was released on 3 November 2021 and shared widely. For this announcement article, see here. A featured article published on 10 November 2021 is available here.

The award ceremony was held in Tokyo on 13 December 2021. I couldn’t attend due to the pandemic situation, but the President of Iwanami shoten and my book’s editors attended the ceremony. I sent a video message, which was screened during the ceremony. The news on this ceremony is available here.