ICU Workshop: “The Korean War as Transnational Postcolonial Conflicts” June 30-July 1, 2018
I was invited to give two talks at the International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo, one for the 2018 Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) annual meeting on June 30, 2018, and the other for the international workshop, “The Korean War as Transnational Postcolonial Conflicts,” on July 1, 2018, which was organized by Prof. Jae-jung Suh at ICU. The workshop was participated by Chong Yong-Hwan (Meiji gakuin), Suzy Kim (Rutgers), and other scholars from Japan. I presented my papers on the themes of “Cold War and Postcolonial Struggles as Social Warfare.”
The workshop’s info is available at: